Select a Decoder / Decryptor / Encoder / Encryptor

Other Encryption Types Coming Soon...

1024 RSA encode/decode

MD5 Hash Crack using Search Engines

Search MD5 Hash:

Hash Encoder

HEX DEC OCT Character Encoder

gzinflate / gzdeflate


htmlentities Encode / Decode

DES Encrypt / Decrypt


optional vector - for security reasons 8 bytes long (8 characters) is recommended.


ROT13 Encode / ROT13 Decode

ROT47 Encode / ROT47 Decode

URL Encode / URL Decode

Base64 Encode / Base64 Decode

Base85 Encode / Base85 Decode

Binary Encode / Binary Decode

Hexadecimal Encode / Decode

Morse Code Encode / Decode



Brought to you by the mad web scientist Russell Benzing
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It spent 2 ms in system calls